Helpful or Harmful? How Comparison Changes the Way You See Things
Mar 05, 2024
Raise your hand if you've ever compared yourself or your accomplishments to another person.
I'm raising my hand right there with you, my friend!
I think it's pretty safe to say that we've all done this at some point in our lives. Although we may not be proud of it, it's just one of those things that happens when you're human.
But why do we do it? Are we trying to punish ourselves or make ourselves feel better?
Honestly, it's probably a little bit of both.
Some people say that comparison is a thief of joy. It certainly can be if you're measuring your sense of self-worth through the lens of accomplishments, or other people's perceptions of you.
So, is comparison ultimately helpful or harmful?
When it comes to comparison, your intentions matter.
When you're tempted to compare yourself to another person, ask yourself the following questions.
- What do I like or admire about this person or their accomplishments?
- How am I similar to them?
- How am I different?
- What emotions am I feeling after I compare us? (ex. inspiration, failure, unworthy etc.)
- What's my motivation for comparing myself to this person or their accomplishments?
- Do I feel a need to change after the comparison? If so, then why?
- How is this comparison helpful to me?
- How is it harmful?
Be honest with yourself when you answer these questions, and make sure that you answer ALL of them. No skipping!
Each question is designed to bring subconscious information to your conscious mind's attention. Then, it becomes easier to let go of blocks, fears, and sabotages.
Comparison can be very valuable if you're looking to improve a project or for positive personal development. It can help you identify areas of challenge or where you naturally excel.
However, comparison can be harmful if you feel that you'll never measure up to the other person or their accomplishments. If feelings of inadequacy or low self-worth are triggered, then it could mean that you aren't fully appreciating your unique qualities.
In that case, I'd recommend confidence building exercises or coaching to help you release feelings of low self-worth.
With my clients, I use the Three Brain Realignment Technique (TBRT) to help realign your subconscious and conscious desires while helping you release fears or sabotages.
Click HERE to learn more.
If you're ready to tune into your own unique brilliance and leave fear, comparison, and doubt behind, then book your 1:1 session with me HERE.
Dr. April Darley is a Lifestyle and Leadership Advisor who specializes in helping innovative thinkers achieve their goals without sacrificing their health, wealth, and freedom. Through a combination of techniques, you'll learn how to balance leadership and life while developing a growth mindset.
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