It's Ok To Let Go Of Your Failures
Jul 23, 2020If you're on my mailing list, then you've already gotten a sneak preview about my upcoming rebranding. If you haven't, then here are a few details:
* I'm dropping the title, Naturopathic Doctor (and doctor for the most part) from my branding.
* My new title is Emotional Strength Coach because it better represents the kind of work I love to do which is emotional release and coaching.
* My established social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram will still be listed under @draprildarley
* I have a new website with all new colors, fonts, descriptions etc. at
* You'll have the same ability to book appointments online, and read the latest blogs.
So, now that you're up to date on the changes going on in my life, I'm going to tell you why some people think I'm crazy and making a mistake!
My professional colleagues wonder why I'm dropping the title Doctor and Naturopathic Doctor. "You worked hard for that title!" and "Won't people view you as less professional? Don't you want to highlight your education and training?"
Here's the truth: I'm proud of what I accomplished, but I don't want to be a doctor anymore. In fact, I haven't wanted to do primary care or serve people in that capacity for about 6 years. Being a primary care doctor crippled me with anxiety and I hated it. What I really loved doing was emotional release work and coaching.
I recently did a podcast interview with Sachiko Cohen about healthcare professionals who switched over to coaching (Don't worry, I'll let you know when it airs.).
In the interview, she asked about why I went into coaching and what the transition was like. I'm not going to lie, it was rough. I had to tell all of my patients that I wouldn't be doing primary care and would only help them with stress, fear, and emotional release. I lost A LOT of patients. I freaked out about money because I was about $267,000 in debt with student loans, I was single, and I had bills to pay!
I went on a downward spiral filled with doubt, fear, guilt, and shame that I made a huge mistake even going to medical school, racking up enormous debt, letting people down, and not even using what I spent 9 years of my life going to school for! Ugh. I felt like a huge failure.
I got over feeling like a failure by doing emotional release work, and looking at how each "failure" led me to the next step on my journey. I was able to see the big picture and how I benefitted (eventually) from my journey. I don't regret going to school and becoming a doctor because it opened up a whole new world of knowledge and possibility. But, just because I spent a lot of time (and money) doing something doesn't mean I have to keep doing it if it doesn't resonate with me any longer! It's ok to let your mistakes go and step into a new identity that feels better.
Beating yourself up for mistakes or failures isn't helpful. In fact, it's extremely harmful, and you deserve better than that. If you made a mistake, then dust yourself off and keep moving. Instead of viewing things in a negative light and calling them failures, flip the script and realize they were just choices. Each choice gave you more information about what you do and don't want in your life. They're lessons and opportunities for improvement. Nothing else. My long-term clients know that one of my favorite sayings is that, "Guilt is optional". That's right! You don't have to torture yourself with it, and it's ok to let it go.
If you're ready to let go of carrying guilt around mistakes or failures, then I can help you through emotional release and coaching. Clearing out emotional baggage gives you plenty of room to step into a new identity and embrace new opportunities. Book your complimentary consult here.
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