How to Create a Healthy Balance Between Structure and Freedom

archetype freedom personality sabotage Dec 08, 2024
A woman is standing on a bridge doing yoga at sunset

Recently, I was doing my end of year business review and evaluating my goals. 

While looking at the ones that I didn't achieve, I had an "aha" moment about what I really needed and why I didn't reach them. 

It all boils down to one word: Structure.


When it comes to structure, most people fall into one of three categories. 


High Structure: People in this category feel most comfortable with a step-by-step plan, proven framework, and lots of guidance. 

Moderate Structure: This is a hybrid category where a loose framework or outline is preferred, but they want the freedom to fill in the details as they please. They feel uncomfortable creating things from scratch and want a little guidance. 

Minimal Structure: People in this category prefer to "wing it" and often view structure as too rigid and suppresses their creativity and originality. They want the maximum amount of freedom possible. 

 In my practice, I work with personality archetypes to help my clients understand their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Then, I provide a framework to help them embrace the helpful aspects of their personality instead of the harmful ones. 


One of the archetypes that I often see among high achievers is the Maverick. 


The Maverick is known to be a disruptor, a rebel, and can reject using systems entirely or sabotage systems that are working well just because they're bored and want to shake things up. 

The Maverick shows up for all of us somewhere in our work or personal lives. 

If you had asked me earlier in the year, I would have told you that I prefer moderate structure. I felt like this gave me more freedom to create what I wanted without having too many rules. 

My "aha" moment was realizing that this was actually a Maverick sabotage! 

In my childhood, I grew up in a very strict home with a lot of rules. I wasn't allowed to do many things I wanted or to express myself authentically. 

Because if that, I developed a subconscious belief that structure and rules were painful, restrictive, and that if I used them, I wouldn't be free. 


What a sabotage!


Once I had this realization and cleared this faulty belief about structure, I began to see how embracing structure was not only going to help me achieve my goals, but it would be very thing that would give me the most freedom!

We all crave freedom, but if you operate from the minimal structure perspective as your preference, you may discover that you're missing appointments, deadlines, and are too scattered to make the progress that you want. 

If this sounds familiar, then you could actually benefit from adding in some level of structure to help you become more organized and stay on track with your goals without sacrificing your freedom completely. 

If you're a person who prefers a highly structured approach but are suffering from anxiety when things aren't going exactly according to plan, then you could benefit from adding in a little freedom and flexibility to your mindset and approach. 

There are pros and cons to each level of structure, and I would advise exploring your own subconscious beliefs about freedom, structure, and what you feel you need to be most successful. 

 To learn more about your subconscious beliefs and how they may be sabotaging your success, schedule your complimentary consultation, HERE.


Dr. April Darley is a Lifestyle and Leadership Advisor who specializes in helping innovative thinkers achieve their goals without sacrificing their health, wealth, and freedom. Through a combination of techniques, you'll learn how to balance leadership and life while developing a growth mindset.


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